Frequently Asked Questions

Universal Design Co-Creation Network

  • We are a community of Universal Design Professionals who believe in a world without barriers.

    The network is founded by one of the world's foremost experts in universal design, Dr. Anthony Giannoumis. We believe that universal design can change the way we live and work by enabling everyone to participate in society equally.

  • Yes! Everyone with an interest in learning more about universal design is welcome to join. You have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with professionals all over the world. We want to be a door opener for those who do not quite know what universal design is, or who want to know more about what and for whom universal design is good for.

  • The members of the co-creation network are people of various professions located all over the world. They are policymakers, advocates, entrepreneurs, designers, programmers, academics, researchers, members of international institutions, and awesome people.

  • It is free! Joining the co-creation network is free for the first 1.000 members.

Universal Design Course

  • Universal Design Fundamentals is more of a mindset course. It helps you shift your perspective, approach things differently, and think of new ways to solve problems.

    It challenges you to think about how designs around you are being looked at and invites you to play an active role in making sure the world is more accessible and inclusive.

  • This course is for newly graduated / early career professionals in tech and entrepreneurship.

    This course is for people with an interest in UI/UX Design, Programming, Entrepreneurship, Product Design, Accessibility, Usability, Business Design, Innovation, Design Thinking, Inclusion, Diversity, People with Disabilities, and other similar interests.

  • You will learn how to create technology that puts equality and diversity at the core of the product or business.

  • Our course enables tech developers and entrepreneurs to reach more diverse users/markets.

  • Our course gives you knowledge, skills, and abilities to create tech/products that are accessible and usable for the most marginalised groups of people. For the most diverse users/customers. For everyone.

Universal Design Day

  • #UDDay is an international celebration of the benefits of universal design to raise awareness and showcase the value of a universally designed world.

    Universal Design Day aims to bring together those who work with, and for, universal design of ICT, both in the private and public sector, for a day of competence exchange.

  • Universal Design Day was founded by Inclusive Creation and The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) in 2020.

  • Universal Design Day is an annual celebration. Each year we organize a hybrid event and bring together the world’s leading experts on universal design to give presentations, share values, exchange ideas, and raise awareness.

  • The results we achieve with #UDDay are that those who work with universal design of ICT get a forum where they can meet others who work with the same, and exchange experiences and expertise. The participants or speakers have the opportunity to find new partners and start new projects that address universal design. The ambition of #UDDay is to bring up and promote the solutions that are developed by designers and developers who do not have a close connection to academia.

  • Universal Design Day is a non-commercial event, so participation is free! However, if you would like to support our work, we are always looking for partners, sponsors, and collaborators.